Yogyakarta: Minimum Wage, Maximum Toil

Minimum Wage Maximum Toil Photo 1

The sun was out that Thursday morning. My husband Rio took me for breakfast at a cafe called Not-Civet Coffee in Kaliurang, at the foot of Mount Merapi, well away from the city center. When we got there…

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Online Learning In The Javanese Countryside Isn’t As Easy As Turning On Zoom

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The school where I teach is in a small village on the outskirts of Pemalang, a city of around 1.5 million people in north-central Java. The road I take to get there, while asphalted, is only around three metres wide, pothole-riddled, and flanked left and right by rice-fields…

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The Kost of Freedom

Kost Of Freedom

Young people in Indonesia commonly think of living in a kost, or studio flat, as the essence of freedom. Vema Novitasari wonders: are they right?

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Aprilia From The Block

Aprilia From The Block

East Jakarta in late afternoon. The roads were chock-a-block with commuters. The chaos on Jakarta’s roads was the first thing that struck me when I moved there. I spent most of my time in the national capital stuck in gridlock…

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Why I Walk With My Eyes Cast Down In Jatinangor


In my four years as a college student in Jatinangor, a small city just outside Bandung, West Java, I shied away from looking straight ahead of me when out and about. When walking, I assumed a hunched, bowed posture and I kept my eyes fixed on the ground, looking up just often enough to avoid crashing into anything. Not without cause, naturally…

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Last Angkots of Bekasi


Though it seems perfectly normal to take pride in where we came from, the concept remains foreign to me. The thing about my city is, there’s not a lot to brag about. It’s not easy to be proud of something that’s become the butt of so many jokes…

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